If you have been pinching the pennies to save for your dream cruise, you are going to want to get as much out of the experience as you possibly can. Of course, the cost of a cruise holiday doesn’t stop at the price of the ticket and it is very easy to eat away at your holiday budget after only a short time aboard.

If you know where to look onboard the liner, you’ll soon find many opportunities to save money and pick up the freebies that others will not look for or even consider. For instance, when it comes to food, stick to the main dining room, where it is possible to get free hot beverages and soft drinks instead of paying extra at the ship’s cafes dotted about the place.

There will be lots of parties onboard thrown by the staff to give the passengers a chance to mingle. You can often pick up free alcoholic drinks like wine at these so it is well worth keeping your eyes open for them. Also, cash your traveller’s cheques on board rather than offshore where you will face a pretty steep service charge.

There are plenty of services onboard for the benefit of the passengers and may often find yourself a bargain with these. For example, if you are willing to act as a model or a guinea pig then you might be lucky enough to receive a free facial, haircut or other kind of beauty treatment.

The purser’s desk onboard is a great little place to get giveaways like decks of cards, aspirins and sewing kits. Again, make a detour here every day to see what can be picked up. So, keep an eye out for any freebies you come across on your cruise and stay holiday – not only are they lovely keepsakes, but the very thrifty among you could also recycle some of them as gifts for family!

Luxury Cruising